Remotely Controlled
Fire Truck

I worked in a student team to design and manufacture a remotely controlled fire truck from scratch.

We used CAD software (SOLIDWORKS) to prototype our vehicle. Many components were manufactured by 3D printing these CAD models, while others were created with waterjet cutting and hand tools.
We used MATLAB to simulate the motion of our vehicle. By combining motor curves, internal and external friction, and kinematic equations, we simulated the position, velocity, and acceleration of our fire truck.
Our final vehicle used 4 motors:

Driving: A variable motor to control speed.
Steering: A servomotor to control the orientation of the front wheels.
Aiming: A servomotor to control the angle of the water dispensary.
Firing: A servomotor to act as a valve to release pressurized water.

These motors were wired to the receiver, which took analog inputs from our radio controller.
Me controlling our fire truck during competition!


(403) 470-6032